The welfare and well-being of our pupils, and protecting them from significant harm is our prime concern at Downton Primary School.
Safeguarding encompasses issues such as child protection, pupil health and safety, bullying/cyber-bullying, appropriate medical provision, drugs and substance misuse.
Should you have any queries or wish to raise concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Mrs Ford or Mrs Pollard.
Thank you
Mrs Carlton
Safeguarding contacts
If you have any concerns that a child may be at risk please contact:-
The Designated Officer - Paula Carlton - 01725 510556 or
The Deputy Designated Officer - Mrs M Ford or Mrs Sandra Pollard - 01725 510556 or or
The Designated Governor with responsibly for Child Protection - Ron Hart - 01725 510556 or
Out of hours
Children/Students can seek support via Childline on 0800 1111. The phone call is free and it is a confidential helpline.
Operation Encompass
Our school receives information from Wiltshire Police in the event of any of our pupils experiencing or witnessing domestic violence or abuse. This information is shared as part of Wiltshire Police’s ‘Operation Encompass’ programme, aiming to ensure schools can offer support to these pupils when needed.
Wiltshire Police aim to share this information with us before the next school day, following a domestic incident, so that we can be ready to support the pupil on their arrival to school. Wiltshire Police also confirm with school whether or not the pupil is aware of the incident, so that decisions can be made around whether or not explicit or more discreet support can be offered.
In the event of an incident taking place outside of Wiltshire, the relevant Police Force dealing with the situation will pass the information to Wiltshire Police, who will then inform school via Operation Encompass.